We stand for wellbeing
Active Movement began with a simple premise that every movement you make should be seen as an active one provided they are frequent.
As the programme has been continually evaluated and then evolved, we have further refined this premise. We now define Active Movement as ‘the taking of small steps every day to create big behaviour change’.
This new definition goes beyond merely activity. It is relevant to so many aspects of our health.
The Active Movement System has developed a further layer of support across other areas of wellbeing integrated within the programme structure.
These include
Active Mouthcare – Improving Oral Health in Primary and Early Years
Active Nutrition – Improving food education and choices in Early Years
Active Protection – Improving flu and MMR uptake, as well as handwashing in Primary and Early Years
Active School Travel – Improving our carbon footprint by reducing transport usage and increasing eco-friendly travel in Primary and Early Years
Active Mind – Currently in development to improve emotional well-being
The benefits to schools, settings and local authorities are enormous. There is no need to co-ordinate or plan separate campaigns as all are within a single framework. Administration is reduced, as is planning time. Teachers, staff and parents have a single-minded message about well-being. Communication is consistent so increasing impact and awareness. Local support services are linked to Active Movement and can gain easier access to individual settings. Shared experiences across the community encourage take-up.
And as always with the Active Movement system, there are comprehensive support and dedicated resources to help schools and settings without ever overburdening them.