Inspiring a lifetime of well-being for ALL children
Active Movement believes that reducing our sitting times and adding low-level activity such as regular standing and walking to daily routine can make huge changes to our health.
It does not mean children should stop playing sport or doing other physical things.
Those who love being active are usually good at it and continue to be so. Those who cannot be active or do not want to be now have a powerful new option to improve and maintain their long-term well-being.
You see, Active Movement isn’t just about today or tomorrow. It is intended to set a behavioural pattern that children will last a lifetime.
Establishing regular standing up and consistently adding even a little activity to daily lives so it becomes a lifetime’s habit is not something that can be achieved overnight.
That’s why the programme begins in Early Years and continues throughout childhood. In the future, we hope every child and every school will follow the Active Movement principles so ensuring children enjoy the benefits their whole lives.
The Active Movement programme is designed to encourage children, teachers and parents to join together in becoming far more active than they ever imagined. It is why the programme offers options to be undertaken at home and why we regularly talk to all participants.
Why teachers like it
“It’s been a good experience, in fact you sort of stop noticing because after a while it’s not a big deal anymore; it becomes integrated into what you are doing anyway.” Nursery school staff
“It made me realise it takes less time than you think to do good things for your health.” Nursery school staff
“After a while it switches round to become automatic so instead of thinking about doing it, you start to notice when you aren’t and feel a bit guilty which motivates you to do something more.” Nursery school staff
“The children took to the characters very well. They were happy to hold them in their mind and project them.” Nursery school staff
“Amazingly the children see a wider connection with health. When asked ‘how should we celebrate Stan’s birthday’, one child said go running while another said ‘we should eat fruit and veg’ – even though we never told them those connections.” Nursery school staff
“The children absolutely love it: they really embrace Active Movement, especially because of the Max and Tiggy toys, which they all want to take home.” Nursery school staff
“AM sits well alongside our breathing exercises and also peps up ‘circle time’ so the children aren’t sitting down too much – kids sitting down shut down, so Active Movement shakes things up a bit.” Nursery school staff
“It’s brought a bit more discipline to some of the special needs children who find it more involving to respond to the characters than our commands!” Nursery school staff
“Early Years are important – learning about things like health is vital. That’s why the Head was so excited about Active Movement as it’s a chance to form habits in the children that will last forever.” Nursery school staff
“We slotted Active Movement into our existing Home Learning programme easily – it wasn’t hard for us, no extra work at all, in fact.” Nursery school staff
“There can be occasional conflict with the need to control the children, especially those lower ability pupils who have just arrived from primary school and need quietening down and getting onto an even keel.” Teacher, Secondary School
“Active Movement is simple yet effective. It has quickly become ingrained as part of school life.The children have taken to it so well they police it themselves!” Teacher, Primary school
“It’s about little ingredients that become part of the day and habit – the children enjoy it so much they want to take part.” Teacher, Primary school
“Just going along with it and using it where we can seems to work – especially in encouraging less confident children to participate.” Teacher, Primary school
“Active Movement is really good in projects where two or more pupils have worked on something together. Normally only one would report, so the other’s role wasn’t recognised – but now they all stand up, even when just one is presenting the work.” Teacher, Primary school
“Active Homework was really helpful because we can have problems engaging parents. They needed to sign to show that the children had done it. Got great response, really good to get them aware of what we are doing at the school.” Teacher, Primary school
Why parents like it
“I was neutral at first but now I am for it – it’s important they get a good start in life and while it’s too early for them to worry about their diet or exercise, this is a good thing to start with.” Parent of a three year old
“These sound like small things, but they matter. It’s fun learning that becomes routine. I think it’s good they have the programme.” Parent of a two year old
“He soon started telling us when we should be standing or walking!” Parent of a two year old
“Some parents have started requesting the toys at home and then building a little exercise routine around it. Others have sent in pictures of Max going for a walk, Max at the shops or Max at a birthday party.” Parent of a 3 year old
“Already I’ve seen some parents walking from cars with their children rather than using a buggy .” Parent of 2 year old
“Some of the parents have said that it has made them more active because they are trying to incorporate a bit of Active Movement into how the family spend time together.” Parent of a 3 year old
Why children like it
“It has actually made me think about stuff I didn’t before, so I do try to stand more” Pupil, Secondary School.
“I can see some of the benefits but it needs to be taken seriously by the school and worked into a regular routine, so it becomes natural, not a weird thing to do.” Pupil, Secondary school
“I think it has affected me more out of school than in school. If I’m feeling a bit low or in need of motivation in the evenings, for homework or just in general, I’ve started going for a quick run.” Pupil, Secondary School
“I’ve started to stand when I talk to people now – I used to seek out somewhere to sit down, which was a bit lazy!” Nursery school staff
“I stand to listen to the children where before I would maybe sit – it shows some respect for them and helps replace a “ping pong” conversation with a more desirable “basketball”-style participation.” Nursery school staff
“I’m quite fit but Active Movement helps me keep going, with no drops in the day – because body muscles shut down after 20 minutes inactivity, I have learned.” Nursery school staff
“ I stand on the bus and more often walk a bus stop further. We try to stand up for training but we do such a lot anyway we don’t all succeed!” Nursery school staff
“It’s great continuity for those funded children who are only here for three hours a day. Their parents, who we can’t always easily get through to, can pick up on the characters and Active Movement, so adding some valuable support from home.” Nursery school staff
“Before Active Movement, children would ask for a chair if there wasn’t one by the table, but they are not likely to ask as they are happy standing to it.” Nursery school staff
“I found that it’s worked well: active walks for example have refreshed my groups of younger pupils, helping build a sense of community amongst the class. It’s easy to understand and do. Year 7 and 8 are very responsive although it’s a bit uncool for the older ones!” Teacher, Secondary school
‘It’s a very contemporary idea; loads of the children have Fitbits these days, plus this sort of thing can help with attitude change for some who are less keen on exercise.” Teacher, Secondary school
“The idea is a good one, no doubt about it – my class love it: they stand to answer questions or read – it helps the children be more active in class – because kids can lose focus.” Teacher, Primary school
“Standing up to read is really good as it gives them more confidence plus voice projection. It also focuses the other children, anchoring the point being illustrated and helping them remember it.” Teacher, Primary school